Best Schools in Monmouth County
If you’re checking for some of the Best schools in Monmouth county , as you intend to choose the right school for your child. Just like you wouldn’t build a home on a shaky foundation, it doesn’t make sense to move ahead academically until certain skills have been mastered. Why try to write a paragraph until good grammar is in place, or do algebra before the basics of math have been established? To be competent at something is to be able to do that something effectively and reliably in a variety of circumstances; it is not the mere retention of a given set of facts, procedures, or theories. While knowledge acquisition occurs as part of competency development, it is not done for its own sake. The goal is to put this new skill or knowledge to work, hence giving purpose to the task. The real world challenge takes shape as the student searches for the tools to accomplish the task. Is it to translate an original work in a foreign language to d...